The People's Volunteer Corps (Rela) has learned that an individual has sold Rela honorary ranks to at least 20 people for between RM10,000 and RM30,000 each, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi revealed today.

Ahmad Zahid, who is also the home minister, said the individual "who was not that influential" had also sold so-called Rela cards and certificates which were not issued by the Rela headquarters.

The honorary ranks were sold to people who wanted to volunteer their service to Rela, he said at a press conference after attending the monthly assembly of the Home Ministry here.

He explained that the Rela honorary ranks were only given after a committee determined the eligibility of an individual based on social status or other criteria as per the Rela Act.

"We have proof because those who paid the tens of thousands of ringgit had lodged complaints with the Rela headquarters. We have the proof of receipts and payments. We advise those who paid for the honorary ranks to come forward and lodge reports. We are going to take legal action," he said.

Asked how many cases had been reported to Rela, he said "nothing less than 20 cases".

Ahmad Zahid also said that the three-month rotation of duty for Rela enforcement officers and personnel along the borders could help reduce the incidence of corruption and abuse of power.

"I will not protect any officer or personnel who is guilty of abuse of power and corruption," he said.

At the event, Ahmad Zahid launched the authority card, badge and pocket badge of the Immigration Department.

The use of the card management system, known as the Identification Management System, enables the authority card to be scanned by the public by using a quick response code (QR Code) available on a smart phone.

The new authority card is also equipped with 'overt and covert' security features verified by the Chief Government Security Office (CGSO).