KUALA LUMPUR: Senior Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, has called on the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Arab League, the United Nations (UN) and Muslims the world over to take decisive action to stop the atrocities committed by the Israeli regime on Palestinian land.

He said that the Palestinian issue was beyond the issue of Muslims and it was a universal humanitarian issue that needed the world's attention.

"The misery and suffering of Muslims on Palestinian soil must be stopped," he said in a statement today.

Ismail Sabri also strongly condemned the inhumane attack by the Israeli Zionist regime on Palestinian land, especially at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, a few days before the first day of Syawal.

He said that this was not the first time Israel has attacked Palestine when Muslims were in the last phase of Ramadan and were preparing to celebrate the arrival of Aidilfitri.

He said that the Israeli military attack was not only inhumane but also violated the rights of the Palestinian people who ultimately saw many innocent people, including children, killed.

"I call on all Muslims, especially in Malaysia, let us pray to Allah for the well-being of Muslims there, and together continue to protest in solidarity with our brothers in Al-Quds," he said.