KUALA TERENGGANU: A senior assistant accountant of a district council in Terengganu pleaded not guilty at the Sessions Court here today to one count of abuse of power.

Sazawati Salleh, 49, made the plea after the charge was read out to her before Judge Dazuki Ali.

The accused was charged with using her position as a senior assistant accountant in the Marang District Council for gratification, namely by proposing a quotation from Edaran Sepakat Trading, which her husband indirectly had interests in, to carry out carpet installation work in the office space and officer's room of the Marang District Council Finance Division worth RM10,640.

The offence was allegedly committed on Jan 12, 2021, at the Marang District Council Finance Division.

The charge was framed under Section 23(1) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009 and is punishable under Section 24(1) of the same act.

It provides for imprisonment for up to 20 years and a fine of five times the value of the gratification, or RM10,000, whichever is higher, if convicted.

Dazuki allowed bail at RM5,000 with one surety and ordered the woman to surrender her passport to the MACC and to report herself to the MACC office every month.

The court set July 17 for mention.