KUALA LUMPUR: The government has decided to terminate the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) in Kampung Teluk, Setiawan, Perak on February 24 as scheduled.

Senior Minister (Defence Cluster), Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, said EMCO in Felda Triang 3, Bera, Pahang will also be terminated tomorrow, earlier than the scheduled date of March 3.

Here are the five main focus of Ismail Sabri's press conference on Tuesday:

1) Termination of EMCO in Kampung Teluk, Setiawan, Perak and Felda Triang 3, Bera, Pahang tomorrow.

2) PDRM arrested 321 individuals for SOP violation. Of that number, 286 were compounded, 29 individuals remanded and six released on bail.

3) Among the SOP offences were not wearing a face mask (75), failing to provide equipment / recording personal / customer details (65), cross-state / district without permission (55) and no physical distancing (49).

4) Op Benteng has successfully detained 17 illegal immigrants, four skippers and seized 11 land vehicles.

5) 15,399 foreigners underwent COVID-19 screening test and of that number, 97 were found to be positive.