Baim memberi nasihat kepada orang ramai supaya terus mencari pasangan hidup mereka dengan sabar dan tenang.
Pelakon popular Indonesia, Baim Wong berharap orang ramai yang masih bujang supaya tidak berputus asa dalam mencari pasangan hidup.
Menerusi entri di Instagram (IG), Baim memberi nasihat kepada orang ramai supaya terus mencari pasangan hidup mereka dengan sabar dan tenang.
"Weee!! Sudah bernikah. Yang masih bujang jangan berputus asa yah. Si cantik dan si jejaka masih menunggu untuk dicari.
"Jangan terus berdiam diri duduk dirumah sahaja. Kalau nak dapatkan yang cantik harus berusaha sehinga bertahun-tahun.
"Doanya juga harus bertahun-tahun. Semoga terus bersemangat mencari si dia," tulisnya.

Consider This: Transnational Repression (Part 2) — Are Our Governments Enabling It?
Authoritarian regimes don’t stop at their own borders—often reaching across countries to track, detain, and deport refugees, activists, and migrants. This is transnational repression: when a state extends its repression beyond its own beyond their borders to control or punish its citizens abroad. Malaysia and Thailand, two of Southeast Asia’s biggest hubs for migrants and refugees, have become key battlegrounds for transnational repression. With Malaysia helming ASEAN chair this year, what role does the region play in resisting, or enabling, transnational repression? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks with Krittaporn Semsantad, Programme Director at the Bangkok-based Peace Rights Foundation.

Consider This: Transnational Repression (Part 1) — Are Our Governments Enabling It?
Authoritarian regimes don’t stop at their own borders—often reaching across countries to track, detain, and deport refugees, activists, and migrants. This is transnational repression: when a state extends its repression beyond its own beyond their borders to control or punish its citizens abroad. Malaysia and Thailand, two of Southeast Asia’s biggest hubs for migrants and refugees, have become key battlegrounds for transnational repression. With Malaysia helming ASEAN chair this year, what role does the region play in resisting, or enabling, transnational repression? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks with Douglas Teoh, spokesperson from the End Transnational Repression Alliance.