Penang PAS has accepted the decision by the party's top leadership for the party to be in the opposition in the state, said its Information chief Mohd Yusni Mat Piah.

"We agree and accept whatever decision is taken by PAS' central leadership. It is no secret that PAS is no longer on the same page with the DAP-led government in Penang," he said Thursday when contacted by Bernama.

Earlier, in Kuala Lumpur, PAS secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan had announced that PAS was left with no choice but to break away from Pakatan Rakyat (made up of DAP, PKR and PAS) in Penang following the sacking of 300 Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) members who are from PAS by the state government.

Also earlier yesterday, the state government had confirmed firing the 300 JKKK members.

Meanwhile, Datuk Mohd Salleh Man, the sole PAS assemblyman in the 40-seat state assembly, said he was confused by the developments and would leave it Speaker Datuk Law Choo Kiang to determine his status.

"I not concerned what name the state government goes by. I still support the state government because I was voted in by the supporters of Pakatan Rakyat," the Permatang Pasir assemblyman told reporters when met at the State Assembly building.