The polarisation of races stirred up by the racial sentiments by the DAP threaten the peace and harmony of the country, Datuk Seri Najib Razak reminded the rakyat on Friday.

The caretaker Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional chairman was commenting on the widely perceived voting pattern of the Chinese electorate said to be largely with the Opposition this coming 13th General Election.

“The Chinese support for us is different according to place and region. In certain regions, I am contented with their support,” Najib told TV3 interview with Datuk Ahmad A. Talib on "Mandat 2013".

“But in certain places we need to work harder because they have taken in the seditious statements of the Opposition especially the DAP which raises the sentiments as if under BN, we have not given the rights due to the Chinese.

“Such types of politics is dangerous because this will make Malaysian politics more polarised. Such political polarisation is very serious because we have tried our best to create a peaceful and harmonious place,” he said.

“But if we continue to play up such sentiments, we will create an unhealthy situatuation, such political discourse will destroy the harmony of our country,” he said.

Najib also said that DAP was not a ‘multiracial’ party as claimed as was seen in the latest Central Executive Committee election by ther DAP where the results was disputed by DAP members.

“This is serious enough, not allowing more than 700 of their members from attending the convention, they did not even choose a Malay leader. So they are not ‘multiracial’, and if you put in one or two Malay candidates, it doesn’t make the parti multiracial,” he said.

Najib said that the real ‘multiracial’ coalition was BN because it is made up of various component parties which practice tolerance, consensus and policies that take into account the views of all races.

“That’s why we can appeal to all races and DAP only appeals to the Chinese. That’s the sentiment they play up, DAP cannot appeal to other races any longer, even the Indians are questioning the DAP,’ he said.

Najib admitted that the Chinese were a hardworking community and have the business acumen to be financially successful.

However, he added, the Chinese only succeeded based on the policies of the BN government to create a conducive environment for business, where many Chinese businessmen not only obtained contracts but concessions.

Najib said that Malaysia has one of the most liberal education systems, allowing the rakyat to choose the types of education they wanted.

For the Indian community, Najib said that they are growing more confident with BN following the many specific programmes to help the community, including having a special cabinet committee five years ago.

"For five years we have had the programme, we used the word ‘nambikei’ which is trust, I believe today the Indians are already nambikei with BN,” he said.