I have a personal observation I would like to share with you, after almost a month covering the latest Dewan Rakyat sitting which concluded last week.

It seems to me that the Pakatan Harapan is 'obsessed' with the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

At every opportunity to speak in the august House, almost all to a fault would train cross hairs on Najib.

At times, they actually seemed to be lining up to take potshots at him!

Now don't get me wrong. I’m not judging.

This is merely an observation. And after all, it is not particularly uncommon for the opposition to any government to be critical of the ruling administration and its leaders.

But is it really necessary to take swipe at the man, at every turn?

Parliament is a place where the laws of this nation are enacted, where policies are discussed, and where the future of our country is shaped.

Shouldn’t its hallowed halls be spared of such pettiness?

House of Representatives
While I can’t deny that talking about the inefficiencies of government can make for lively fodder during one’s teh tarik session with friends and colleagues, I assure you that having to listen to the same thing over, and over, and over again can be rather exhausting.

Can’t one just point out a mistake, process the response, and move forward to work on how best to deal with the situation for the benefit of the people?

By harping on certain issues, it seemed that some MPs have no problem wasting Parliament’s precious time, even though in actual fact, it’s the rakyat's time that is being wasted.

As a representative elected by the people, they should be focusing more effort on the people's problems, not busy trying to score political points or advancing the party agenda.

Take the National Security Council Bill debate for example.

Puchong MP, Gobind Singh Deo raised pertinent points in the debate, but many others after him merely repeated his points. How is this even remotely effective?
Now more than ever, I feel there is a need to implement a new age of politics, one that centers on solid policies and gentlemanly, constructive debate.

But for that to happen, both sides must change; the Government and the Opposition alike.

#ICYMI: Hafiz in action while on Parliament duty
Hafiz Marzukhi wants Malaysian politicians to grow up and pay more attention to their responsibility to the rakyat. And since he knows that he can’t be right all the time, readers are welcome to direct any constructive feedback they have to hafiz_marzukhi@astro.com.my