WAWASAN 2020 did not fail completely, however it did not make Malaysia a developed nation as envisioned.

According to former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the country had managed manage to increase capacity in several aspects.

"We did not fail entirely (in Wawasan 2020).

"For instance, we find that in the beginning, the number Malay doctors were very low.

"Previously, there only two per cent of doctors were Malay but with opportunities and scholarships provided,  it has increased to 40 percent and that is a high growth.

"The same goes for other careers," said Dr Mahathir.

From the business aspect, he admitted failure in achieving the goals outlined because Bumiputera participation is still low.

"I admit that there are among Malay entrepreneurs who succeeded and become millionaires but majority failed.

"We want to increase their participation so that the gap between the races and between the urban and rural is closed," he said in an interview Wawancara Eksklusif: Kapsul Wawasan. 

The interview, recorded last January, was posted on his social media platforms. 

Dr Mahathir said failure to achieve the goals outlined in Wawasan 2020 was due to several reasons, including a change in policies and leadership following his resignation as the fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia.

"We have already decided the direction to take in order to achieve our goals but after I resigned, the government's policies and focus became different.

"Therefore, we can't determine whether we will achieve the targeted goals," he said.

However, Dr Mahathir admitted that since Wawasan 2020 was introduced in 1991, the country has seen a lot of developments but it has yet to become a developed nation. 

The Langkawi MP added that the country's progress would be determined the attitudes and values ​​held by Malaysians.

"To be a developed country, we need to have to be diligent and noble. These attributes are taught in Islam.

"I hope Malaysians will continue to work hard to achieve these goals that would need require contribution from all," he said.

Dr Mahathir has planted several time capsules during his tenure as the fourth Prime Minister. They were scheduled to be unearthed in 2020, including one at Putrajaya. 

When asked, he said "I hope we can open the capsule in 2020 but the time has not been determined."