KUALA LUMPUR: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today presented seven proposals that the Perikatan National (PN) government will implement under a suggested framework of cross-party cooperation if the upcoming vote of confidence in the prime minister is carried in the Dewan Rakyat.

The Prime Minister also invited the leaders of all political parties to discuss the proposals next week and said he is prepared to listen to their views.

Listing the proposals, he said that in the spirit of the bi-partisan cooperation in Parliament and the need to expand the forms of aid for the people during the COVID-19 pandemic, all MPs will receive the same quantum of annual allocation regardless of political affiliation.

"For the opposition MPs, this year's allocation will be provided pro rata according to the remaining number of months," he said in a special address on "Together in National Recovery" broadcast over television stations this evening.

In addition, to support the 'Whole of Government' and 'Whole of Society' principles in the battle against COVID-19, Muhyiddin said Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz has held engagements with various parties, including the Opposition, for input and suggestions on how the National Recovery Plan (PPN) can be improved.

He said the government will table a proposal in Parliament to raise the COVID-19 fund ceiling by RM45 billion, from the RM65 billion approved last year, taking the total to RM110 billion to overcome the pandemic.

"In dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, there will be additional allocations to enhance and speed up COVID-19 screenings, close contact tracing and isolation or test, trace and isolate.

"The government will also strengthen the health system, including adding health personnel, increasing the capacity of intensive care units, outsourcing patients from public to private hospitals, in line with the Whole of Nation approach," he said.

He said cash assistance of RM10 billion will be channelled to 11 million recipients in the second half of 2021, which will also continue next year not only for the B40 group but also include targetted aid for the hardcore poor, urban poor and those from the M40 group who lost their income.

He said to support business continuity and economic recovery, additional funds from the COVID-19 Fund will be used for recruitment incentives as well as increase funding to Small and Medium Enterprises, especially in seizing opportunities due to the opening of the economy in line with PPN's implementation.

Muhyiddin said f the government secures a two-third majority bi-partisan support in Parliament, it will propose bills to amend the constitution to limit the tenure of the PM to two terms and to check party-hopping.

As for the fourth proposal, he said the government will strengthen parliamentary reforms with the chairmanship of parliamentary committees split equally to ensure effective check and balance.

The prime minister said the government will also implement Undi 18 without waiting for the implementation of automatic voter registration, which he added will take time, and for that purpose, amendments will be tabled in Parliament.

"I hope, with bi-partisan cooperation in Parliament, this bill will be approved," he said.

Besides these, Muhyiddin said bills, including supply bills, tabled in Parliament will first be discussed with all MPs.

"Bills will only be tabled if they have the majority support of all Members of Parliament," Muhyiddin said.

To recognise the role of the Opposition, which has almost the same number of representation in the Dewan Rakyat, the Opposition leader will be given remuneration and privileges equivalent of a Senior Minister.

Muhyiddin said all these proposals are aimed at enabling the government to continue functioning in times of a pandemic with bi-partisan support in Parliament, adding that they were also to ensure kleptocrats do not have their way to rule if the political crisis was not resolved immediately.

"I assure you that I will take honorable and constitutional action in resolving the current political crisis.

"My priority is only to make sure the government continues to function well to deal with the pandemic and for the nation's recovery," the prime minister said.