KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is certainly open for business although its borders largely remain closed for now, said National Recovery Council (MPN) chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

During a lunch meeting with more than 30 international industry leaders in Dubai, he highlighted some challenges and opportunities the country is facing at this stage of the pandemic.

"It is clear that the opportunities to rebuild our economies and societies to something better than the pre-pandemic era are abundant," he said. "While our borders may largely remain closed for now, let me make this clear - Malaysia is certainly open for business."

Muhyiddin said Malaysia's value proposition for investors is solid, the investment ecosystem is robust, the ease of doing business is improving and the country's pandemic recovery is underway.

"Additionally, our physical and digital infrastructures are being constantly upgraded, our talent pool is wide and deep, the strength of our institutions is rock-solid, our economic fundamentals are stellar and acknowledged globally," he continued. "As MPN chairman, tasked with spearheading the recovery efforts post-pandemic, the council will be putting together a road map for recovery called the National Recovery Plan 2.0, which continues on from the earlier National Recovery Plan exit strategy in four phases which had been concluded in December 2021."

The National Recovery Plan 2.0 will seek to chart the path of recovery which is inclusive and systematic that will propel Malaysia to greater heights, bouncing back stronger than before the pandemic, he said.

Therefore, he hopes that more businesses will invest in Malaysia, and for Malaysian companies to venture not just into the United Arab Emirates (UAE) but across the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.

"Let us forge a shared destiny for a more meaningful future ahead of us, not just during the pandemic but eventually in the endemic and beyond," he added.