KUALA LUMPUR:The Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said, the General Election (GE), State Election (PRN) and By-Election (PRK) will not be held during the emergency period.

He said the decision was to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection following what happened after the Sabah PRN recently.

"Under normal circumstances, the by-election must be held within 60 days after the seat is declared vacant.

"PRN must also be held within 60 days after the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) is dissolved.

"As we all know, the people currently do not want elections to be held to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic from spreading like what happened after the Sabah PRN recently." he said while delivering a Special Emergency Announcement here on Tuesday.

Commenting further, Muhyiddin said, he did not intend not to hold elections but instead, the main thing that prevented him from advising His Majesty to dissolve Parliament to enable the GE to be held is the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The decision not to hold elections during the COVID-19 pandemic is in line with one of the five principles of Maqasid Syariah which is to take care of life or hifz al-nafs.

"In this context, it is my duty as Head of Government to take care of the lives of the people by protecting my brothers and sisters from COVID-19 infection.

"This is the main benefit demanded by Islam," he said.

Meanwhile, he expressed his firm commitment that the GE will be held as soon as the Independent Special Committee to be established certifies that the COVID-19 pandemic has subsided or fully recovered and elections are safe to hold.

"At that time, it is up to the people to choose which government is qualified to govern this country and take care of your welfare. This is my commitment and commitment that I will fulfil, God willing," he added.