Malaysia's number of new COVID-19 positive cases returned to double digits after 10 cases were reported today, eight of which were imported ones and two were local transmissions.

Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said this brought the total number of COVID-19 positive cases in the country to 9,306, with 151 being active cases.

He said the imported cases involved a Malaysian and seven foreigners from India and the Philippines.

"The local transmissions involved one local and one foreigner. The case involving Malaysian was detected in Kedah from a screening on symptomatic cases.

"While the foreigner was tested positive for the virus during a screening conducted at the Bukit Jalil Immigration Detention Depot," he said in a statement here.

He added that there were 36 cases of recovery, bringing the cumulative number of recovered cases to 9,030 or 97 per cent.