JASIN: The supply of livestock is still sufficient to meet the demand for Hari Raya Aidiladha sacrificial slaughter, even though import of cattle from Thailand has been suspended.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Industries 1 Datuk Seri Ahmad Hamzah said the import of cattle from Thailand was stopped since the beginning of last month due to the transmission of lumpy skin disease (LSD).

He said the price for the supply of live cattle was still under control at RM5,000 to RM5,500 per head according to the ruminant livestock total costs.

"Together with the Veterinary Services Department (JPV) we have conducted inspections and monitoring on farms nationwide and though self-sufficiency level (SSL) of beef is currently around 20 per cent, we import a lot from other countries for domestic needs," he told reporters after distributing MAFI Prihatin aid to 426 recipients at Simpang Bekoh here today.

Meanwhile, Ahmad said through the MAFI Prihatin programme 1.5 tonnes of fruits and vegetables such as bananas, eggplants, round cabbage and green mustards were distributed to the recipients.

He said as of July 15, 23,977 people working at the frontline, welfare bodies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) at 104 locations nationwide have benefitted from the 41.7 tonnes of food distributed under the programme.

"Through the programme we are able to help farmers sell the surplus agricultural produce and at the same time ease the burden of those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.