Siapa ‘Jedi’ terakhir?

Filem terbaru ‘Star Wars’ dijangka menjawab persoalan itu, apatah lagi tajuk filem itu sendiri pun berjudul ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’.

Naratif filem kelapan ini menyambung kisah dan jalan cerita ‘Star Wars: The Force Awaken’.

Dalam babak terakhir filem tersebut, watak Rey (Daisy Railey), gadis misteri yang ada upaya memanipulasi ‘Force’ akhirnya bertemu ‘Jedi’ utama dari trilogy asal, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill).

Babak di mana Rey bersemuka dengan Skywalker sambil menghulurkan pedang ‘light-saber’ meninggalkan impak yang cukup mendalam di hati peminat filem ‘Star Wars’. Para peminat pasti tidak melupakan babak itu yang hanya menggunakan muzik dramatik tanpa sebarang dialog.

So they named it 'The Last Jedi'. Can't wait to see who are they referring to as 'the last Jedi'. Anyway, this is a brief write up of whom i believe could be the one they're referring to: 1) Luke Skywalker - Luke was twice mentioned as 'the last Jedi'. In Ep. 5: The Empire Strikes Back, Yoda said to Luke, "The last of the Jedi will you be." and in the opening crawl for Ep.7: The Force Awakens, it referred Luke as "the last Jedi". Still, many Jedi emerged after Luke in the Expanded Universe (now known as Star Wars Legends), which now became non-canon after Disney took over. 2) Rey - At the end of Ep. 7 we saw Rey handing over Luke his old lightsaber (also Anakin's lightsaber) possibly signalling him to "teach me". Learning that the galaxy is now under the threat of the First Order, Luke accepts Rey as his Padawan to teach her the ways of the Force and become a Jedi. 3) Leia Organa - In Ep. 6: Return of the Jedi, Luke told (his sister) Leia that she too has the same powers as he does, and that "In time you’ll learn to use it as I have". In the Expanded Universe, Leia did become a Jedi and was trained by Luke himself and later by Saba Sebatyne. So it is unsure if Disney would adapt the same storyline since it has become non-canon now. #ripcarriefisher 4) Kylo Ren - In Ep. 6, many said the title 'Return of the Jedi' was actually referring to Darth Vader returning as the Jedi he once was, Anakin Skywalker, as he threw Emperor Palpatine into the reactor shaft and became good again. So it could be that Kylo will turn back to the lightside and become Ben Solo once again, a Jedi. 5) A group of Jedi - Jedi in plural form would still be Jedi, with no 's'. So it could also mean that 'The Last Jedi' refers to a group of last Jedi Knights / Masters battling against the First Order. U know, something like 'The Last Samurai'. 6) Finn - Okay I know this is unlikely, but.. who knows? :p So yeah, can't wait for the film. The Force Awakens got me watching it 10 times (yes, in the cinema

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Menurut Presiden Lucasfilm, Kathleen Kennedy, selain pertemuan di antara Rey dan Skywalker, elemen paling mengejutkan dalam filem itu nanti adalah transfomasi karakter Rey.

Selain Railey dan Hamill, ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ turut dibintangi John Boyega sebagai Finn, Adam Driver sebagai Kylo Ren, Andy Serkis sebagai Snoke, Oscar Isaac sebagai Poe Dameron dan juga mendiang Carrie Fisher yang kembali memegang watak ikonik Princess Leia.

Menurut Hamill dan juga pengarah filem Rian Johnson, ini merupakan antara persembahan terbaik Fisher, yang meninggal dunia akibat serangan jantung pada usia 60 tahun tahun lalu.

Mereka turut berharap agar peminat ‘Star Wars’ berpuas hati dengan watak puteri kesayangan ramai itu.

Selain watak-watak utama, ‘droid’ seperti C-3PO, R2-D2, BB-8 dan juga kesatria ‘wookie’ Chewbacca akan kembali membuat kemunculan dalam filem terbaru ini.

‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ akan ditayangkan di pawagam di seluruh dunia bermula 13 Disember.