Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan is thankful that his father has finally realised his ‘mistake’ for apologising to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim over the Sodomy II case.

In a Twitter posting earlier, Saiful wrote: “If my father is honest and true, thanks be to Allah. The righteous shall stand, the promises of Allah is assured.”

When contacted, Saiful’s lawyer Zamri Idrus said that the 28-year-old former aide to Anwar expressed that he was glad that his own father “has finally realised his mistakes.”

In a press conference today, Saiful’s father Azlan Mohd Lazim dropped another bomb by retracting an earlier apology to Anwar in March 8. Azlan instead said that the sodomy case against his son was true.

Azlan, 60, said that “certain quarters” had influenced him to apologise to Anwar.

“Today, I retract my apology to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and stress that my son’s sodomy case is true. It isn’t a political conspiracy,” he was quoted as saying in a press conference he held alone.

Saiful Bukhari Azlan

Azlan also announced that he was resigning from PKR soon.

On March 8, Azlan had declared that the opposition leader’s second sodomy charge was an “evil political conspiracy” planned by a special officer in the Prime Minister’s Department engineered to tarnish Anwar's image.

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Later today, PKR’s Johari Abdul, who was the one who organised Azlan’s first press conference, said that the latest development was not surprising, blaming Umno for the about-turn by Azlan.

Johari insisted that Azlan had never joined PKR.

“We want to explain that Azlan has never become a member of PKR. His application was still not approved, I also want to explain that Azlan was the one who wanted to meet us and not the other way around, “ said Johari in a statement.

In Jan 9, 2012, Anwar was acquitted of sodomising Mohd Saiful by the High Court.