KUALA LUMPUR: Youths should gain new insights and skills to prepare for the competitive job market as academic performance is not the only factor that determines employability, said Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Dr Noraini Ahmad.

She said employers seek candidates with knowledge and skills that are relevant to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, ranging from digital literacy to soft skills.

"The completion of your degree is not the end of learning...Always make the effort to reskill and upskill yourselves," she said when officiating the Kuala Lumpur Global Youth Summit (KLGYS) 2022 here today.

Noraini said the world today is fast-paced and the young generation needs to be agile to succeed.

A total of 450 local participants as well as youths from several countries including Belgium, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia and Zambia attended the one-day KLGYS summit which was conducted physically and through online platforms.

Twenty-nine international speakers shared their experience in seven sessions, covering various issues such as pursuing a career in entertainment, the value of digital assets, understanding mental health and ways to tap into individual strengths.

Hosted by Yayasan Juwita together with the Ministry of Higher Education and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, KLGYS 2022 aimed at engaging young adults with local and international industry leaders.