Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in collaboration with the world renowned RIKEN institute of Japan will establish a research institute known as the USM-RIKEN international centre for ageing science (URICAS).

The research institute is established to reduce the possibility of the aged suffering from numerous problems which are due to their genetic makeup.

In establishing an agreement between the two institutes, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between USM and RIKEN on February 20, 2015.

The definition of ageing according to the United Nations is “the process whereby older individuals become a proportionately larger share of the total population. An individual is defined as being a senior citizen when he or she hits 60 years old.”

Population ageing is one of the most significant trends of the 21st century.

According to Malaysian National Statistics Department Projection (2010-2040), in 2010 two million people or seven percent of the general population were over the age of 60.

By 2030, it is estimated that the number of aging population in Malaysia will increase to 15 percent.

Co-ordinator of URICAS, Professor Dr. Mohd Nazalan Mohd Najimudin told USM news portal that Japan and Malaysia are similar in experiencing in aging population where the elderly will make up the largest proportion of population in approximately six years (2021) .

“URICAS is a worthwhile and necessary addition to Malaysian research and academia as it will present a platform to broaden the scope of research on the fascinating subject of aging, which is undeniable biological factor of human life.

“All of us will grow old, and our bodies will all be subject to the ravages of time. Time in this context refers also to the biological process. As we age, we may also face the onset of disorders such as age related illness,” said Dr Nazlan.

Funds amounting to RM1 million will be injected by USM on an annual basis towards the development of URICAS with portions of it to be utilised for the nurturing of academic talents at the doctorate level.

“USM will also give the opportunity to postgraduate students to experience research attachments at RIKEN for three months a year. These students will be jointly supervised by USM and RIKEN lectures,” he added.

Dr. Nazlan concluded that the process of aging is a result of two major factors, namely internal (genetics) and external (diet).

A person who succeeds in maintaining a balanced combination of the two factors is more likely to enjoy a longer lifespan.

“At the same time, we have witnessed that a long life will not bring much joy if it beset with numerous problems such as senility, illness and so on. Therefore, this is where URICAS can play role in carrying out research to find a way to reduce the possibility of the aged suffering such problems due to their genetic makeup," he said.

Dr. Nazlan is confident that URICAS will be developed and become a physical reality within the next five years.