Non-stop rain in the upper reaches of Sungai Rajang has caused Sarawak’s longest river to swell and prompted the Sarawak Rivers Board (SRB) to issue a caution to ships and boats to be careful, especially when passing villages located on the river bank.

SRB chairman, Murni Suhaili, said they must also be careful of floating logs or wood debris, strong currents and low visibility.

“If they need to ply in rainy condition, it is advised that they switch on their light beacons and maintain a low speed. Sarawak Rivers Board will issue further notice to river users should the condition worsen,” he said in a statement yesterday.

Continuous rain during the past few days has caused flooding down river and in low-lying areas in Kapit, Song, Kanowit and Sibu, with longhouses and shops located near the river bank particularly affected.

He also advised log pond and sawmill operators to keep an eye on their logs and wood waste so they don’t drift away and pose a danger to ships and villages.

Murni also stressed the importance of boat passengers wearing the safety vest and said officers will be carrying out inspections.

“Boat owners must monitor their boats berthed at wharves to ensure they are always tied with ropes,” he said, while adding that those staying along the river must monitor their children’s whereabouts and the condition of the river bank for safety.