SINGAPORE: Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is looking forward to the full conclusion and signing of two Frameworks of Cooperation in the green and digital economies between the republic and Malaysia.

It was announced yesterday that the two countries had substantively concluded negotiations on the two Frameworks of Cooperation.

"By supporting each other's growth and development, we hope to create more opportunities for both countries in these growth areas," Lee said in his latest Facebook posting.

In the same Facebook post, he welcomed Malaysia's Senior Minister and Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali at the Istana yesterday, during his official visit to Singapore.

"Senior Minister Azmin and I discussed the progress in our economic cooperation on the bilateral and multilateral fronts, including in new areas such as the green and digital economies," he wrote and appended a photo of him and Mohamed Azmin.

In a statement issued in Kuala Lumpur, the International Trade and Industry Ministry (MITI) said the Frameworks of Cooperation serve as the basis for future bilateral initiatives related to the digital and green economies.

Malaysia and Singapore also agreed to work towards signing both Frameworks of Cooperation by the end of 2022, said MITI.