The United States Supreme Court on Friday delivered a historic victory for gay rights, allowing same-sex couples to marry at all 50 states in the country.

As reported by AFP, the 5-4 ruling now allows for same-sex couples to marry no matter where they live and that states may no longer reserve the right only for heterosexual couples.

READ: US Supreme Court rules, 5-4, in favor of same-sex marriage

Local netizens took to Twitter to express their opinion about this latest historical development in the US.

Some condemned this decision and stated that the ruling made to legalize same-sex marriage was wrong.

There were also those who agreed to the decision and congratulated US on the landmark ruling.

While many in the United States - including Hollywood A-listers - welcomed the decisions, the country remains divided on the matter especially among pro-gay and lesbian activists and the conservatives.

READ: US celebrities praise same-sex marriage ruling

As reported by AFP, advocates called it the most pressing civil rights issue of modern times, while critics said the courts had sent the country into uncharted territory by changing the traditional definition of marriage.

Chief Justice John Roberts – one of the four dissenting justices – expressed his view on the ruling.

"Many people will rejoice at this decision, and I begrudge none their celebration. But for those who believe in a government of laws, not of men, the majority's approach is deeply disheartening,” he said.

Another justice – Antonin Scalia – also dissented and said the decision is a “threat to American demoncracy.”

US President Barack Obama also hailed the decision.

“This ruling is a victory for America. This decision affirms what millions of Americans already believe in their hearts. When all Americans are truly treated as equal, we are more free," he said from the White House soon after the ruling was made.