Transport Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai has urged all parties to be patient and leave the investigations into the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) to the Special Task Force.

Liow, who is also MCA President said, the government has always been transparent and will do its best regarding the issue.

“The government is its best and we are confident the investigations will reveal itself to the public,” he said at a press conference at Wisma MCA today.

He said, all parties have the right to express their opinion on the issue and the government is responsible in ensuring the investigations are being carried out for the sake of the people.

Asked on the call made by several parties that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak declare his assets, Liow said: “All Cabinet ministers have declared their assets to the government. The Special Task Force was established to investigate the matter. Give them time to carry out the investigation.”

Liow stressed, all parties including the media should not make any speculations before the investigation is concluded.

“It is important for us to leave all matters regarding the 1MDB issue to the Special Task Force because all allegations need to be investigated by an independent body,” he said.

Regarding the issue of a Cabinet reshuffle, Liow said, the government will study all issues at length before a decision can be made.