A hilarious video has emerged featuring President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden jogging and working out around the White House.

The video, which saw both leaders running in white dress shirts, shoes and complete with ties – was in support of First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign aimed at getting Americans to be active and fit.

The video begins with Biden entering the Oval office asking 'Mr President, are you ready to move?' to which Obama replies with ‘Let’s do this. Let’s move’.

The pair then began a run around the White House, followed by some stretching and topped off with both leaders drinking large glass of water each, pledging "same time next week".

The presidential family's pet dogs - Bo and Sunny Obama - even got a cameo in the video.

The White House has been promoting a social media campaign this week to mark the fourth anniversary of Let’s Move’, a national campaign targeted at ending childhood obesity.

The campaign kicked off with an appearance by Michelle Obama on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, in which she asked Americans to tweet, Instragram and Facebook themselves being active.

She promised that if enough people got involved, the president and vice president will take up the challenge to show how they move.

Earlier, she and the US Food and Drug Administration announced new nutrition labels, designed to promote healthier eating.