MARIETTA/LANSING: One day before midterm elections that could usher in a new era of divided government in Washington, President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump will hold competing rallies in a final effort to mobilize supporters.

Biden, who has avoided campaigning in several swing states amid lagging popular approval, will travel to reliably Democratic Maryland on Monday, where the Democratic gubernatorial nominee, Wes Moore, is widely expected to win back the Republican-held governorship.

"We've got one more night to do everything we can to win," Biden told fellow Democrats at the White House.

Trump is headed to Ohio to campaign alongside the Republican Senate nominee, J.D. Vance, who emerged from a crowded field of candidates on the strength of Trump's endorsement. Trump has repeatedly hinted that he plans to launch another presidential run soon.

Weighed down by voter frustrations over rising prices, Biden's Democrats fear Tuesday's elections could see them lose control of one or both chambers of Congress.

Non-partisan election forecasters predicted on Monday that Republicans are likely to pick up roughly 25 seats in the 435-seat House, more than enough to win a majority.

That would spell the end of Biden's efforts to get abortion protections, family leave benefits and other Democratic priorities through Congress. It also would open the door for two years of Republican-led investigations that could potentially damage the White House. A Republican-led Senate could also block Biden's nominations for judicial or administrative posts.

Billionaire Elon Musk, whose purchase of Twitter and vows to loosen the reins on who can say what on the platform has led to some speculation that it could unleash a wave of disinformation, tweeted on Monday that "independent-minded voters" should vote for a Republican Congress "because shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties."

If Republicans secure a House majority, they plan to use the federal debt ceiling as leverage to demand deep spending cuts. They would also seek to make Trump's 2017 individual tax cuts permanent and protect corporate tax cuts that Democrats have unsuccessfully tried to reverse over the past two years.

Control of Capitol Hill would give Republicans the power to block aid to Ukraine, but they are more likely to slow or pare back the flow of weapons and economic assistance to Kyiv than stop it.


Biden has warned that a Republican victory could weaken the foundations of U.S. democracy itself.

Many Republican candidates have echoed Trump's baseless claims of fraud in his 2020 election defeat. Some of them could end up as governors or election administrators in battleground states and play a central role in the 2024 presidential race.

Trump supporters, spurred by his false election claims, have threatened and harassed election workers and voters. The U.S. Justice Department said it would monitor voting in 64 locations across the country.

But the White House said on Monday that law enforcement had not reported any specific, credible election-related threats.

With narrow control of the House and the Senate, Biden's Democrats helped him to fulfill campaign promises to boost clean energy, fight the COVID-19 pandemic and increase infrastructure spending.

But surging inflation and concerns about high crime have led many voters to sour on his leadership. Only 39% of Americans approve of his job performance, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll published on Monday.

Republicans say Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-relief package and clean-energy efforts have pushed prices higher. They also have campaigned on lingering resentment over COVID-related restrictions imposed during the pandemic to stem the spread of disease.

"I won't shut your churches down and I will never mask you up again," Kari Lake, a Republican who is running to be governor of Arizona, said at a rally.

Democrats campaigned heavily on abortion rights, counting on a backlash to a June decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that ended nationwide abortion protections. Voters in five states will consider abortion-related initiatives on Tuesday.

"I think it should be a person's own decision of what to do," said Chris Gunston, 60, who voted for a proposal to protect abortion rights in Michigan, along with Democratic candidates on the ballot there.

More than 43 million Americans have already cast their ballots, either in person or through the mail, according to the U.S. Elections Project, which tracks early voting.

Experts say it might be days or weeks before the outcome of some close races - and control of Congress - is clear.

Thus far, polling problems have not been widely reported.

In Georgia, where one of the nation's most closely contested Senate races is unfolding, election officials in Cobb County agreed to extend the voting deadline until Nov. 14 for 716 people who had requested mail ballots but did not receive them.

Officials said overworked staff were feeling more stress due to a new state law that tightened mail-voting rules.

Some of those who had not received their requested ballots opted to vote in person.

"I've had to miss a lot of classes to make sure I could come in person," said Alyse Martin, 20, who said she traveled six hours from Washington back to Cobb County after her absentee ballot never arrived. "But I think it will all be worth it in the end."