Did you feel like everything that could ever go wrong did go wrong yesterday?

One scenario: Your day started miserably -- your car failed to start causing your delay for an important meeting. Or to make things worse, you accidentally spilled coffee on your shirt minutes before the meeting.

In Chinese astrology, March 20, 2015 has been dubbed as the worst day of 2015. According to the belief, the day is called the "Four Separation Day” and is deemed unsuitable to hold major events such as a wedding, moving to a new house, start a new business, renovate your house, etc.

A bad star known as the "Trouble Star" No. 5 also falls on that day.

Yesterday, the world witnessed the spectacular solar eclipse phenomenon. It was the day when the moon was completely covered over the solar disk to display a total eclipse of the sun for several minutes. An eclipse is darkening parts of Europe on Friday in a rare solar event that won't be repeated for more than a decade.

In Chinese astrology, the eclipse of the sun is considered one of the worst days of the year known as “Tong Shu”.

The Chinese believed that one cannot be exposed to the eclipse -- be it partial or total -- as a minute of exposure equals one year of bad luck. In Chinese mythology, the eclipse of the Sun is termed as "Sky Dog Eat Day".

According to the founder of Good Feng Shui Geomantic Research, Master Kenny Hoo, the solar eclipse phenomenon has been predicted many years ago in the Chinese almanac.

However, a solar eclipse is nothing unusual and we should not be afraid that we would fall under its 'spell'.

"It is just another natural phenomenon that occurs from time to time, since many years ago," said Hoo.

"We can still be happy on this particular day and for many years to come, whether or not if you are exposed to the sun or skyline today. It just happens that the day coincides with the solar eclipse."

"Today, the day has passed and I believe that a lot of us didn’t allow the day to affect our happiness," he added.

I personally experienced a fun-filled day at work with a fair share of fun and laughter with my colleagues who were smiling from ear-to-ear looking forward to the weekend.

Some of my colleagues happily announced that March 20 also coincides with International Day of Happiness. I was perplexed by the two contrasting "beliefs" that intertwine modern and olden days.

Astrology is an interesting topic but we should not let it dictate our lives. I believed that it's how you make of it. In the end, you are what you make of yourself.

As cliched it may sound, I'd say don't worry. Be happy, folks!