UMNO vice-president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has urged party members at state, divisional and grassroots levels to support the effort of the central leadership to resolve the problems of the party.

Ahmad Zahid, who is also Deputy Prime Minister, said the party leadership and the government were currently working hard to resolve the problems.

"I am confident the problems will be solved in the time stipulated for solution (to the problem), and on that basis, we explained to the top state leadership, divisions and the grassroots that support should be given to the leadership to solve the problem," he said today.

He said this to reporters after a closed door meeting with UMNO divisional leaders in Kedah and a meeting with the leaders and members of the state UMNO and its four wings at Seri Mentaloon here.

Also present during the ceremony were Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir, who is also Kedah Umno Liaison chairman, UMNO vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and UMNO Information Chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan.

Ahmad Zahid, who did not divulge the problems which the party leadership were trying to solve, said unity between leaders and members at the state, divisional and grassroots level was very important.

Solidarity in UMNO, he said would ensure the party would win in the 14th general election (PRU-14), although it was still two years away.

UMNO's preparedness for the general election, he said should not just give soul and spirit, but must be filled with tactical action which could guarantee victory.

The tactical actions, he said were important in the light of the action of certain opposition parties in using provisions in the Election Commission Act 1957 to transfer voters from one area to another.

The action of transferring voters from areas won by the party with a large majority to areas it won with a slim majority must be analysed by UMNO, he said.

The UMNO vice president said changes in the party leadership were normal and had taken place prior to this.

On UMNO's tour programme to the state as was conducted in Kedah today, he said it was not motivated by a personal agenda but aimed at explaining the current issues and obtaining feedback from the grassroot.

Meanwhile, Hishamuddin said party issues requiring answers had been discussed in a family spirit and Ahmad Zahid had been very frank in the meetings and gathering being held today.

"Nothing is hidden and nothing is taboo and which cannot be discussed in the family spirit," he said, adding that efforts to brief on the latest issues must be jointly shouldered by all party leaders in the divisions.