Penang DAP Socialist Youth (Dapsy) today announced the suspension of any form of cooperation with Penang PAS Youth Council with immediate effect.

Its Youth Chief, Ng Wei Aik said the move was the best approach in showing the party's uncompromised prudent stance against the action taken by Kelantan PAS government in tabling the hudud bill.

"We will not have any contact with them nor attend any programme or any meeting called by them or on behalf of Penang Pakatan Rakyat Youth, unless if, the meeting is organised by Penang Keadilan Youth (AMK).

"We will also not attend any talks organised by PAS or PAS Youth. The main thing is no cooperation with PAS or PAS Youth. If there is a by-election campaign in Permatang Pauh, we will be present on behalf of the party or in cooperation with AMK.

"We have no problems working with AMK... no issue with PKR, except for PAS," he said at a press conference here today.

Ng, who is also Tanjong Member of Parliament, said the action by PAS had caused the rakyat to lose confidence in the opposition generally and DAP in particular.

He said although the decision to freeze all forms of cooperation between Dapsy and Penang PAS Youth Council would offend members of PAS grassroots, the action by their ally was more insulting to DAP and PKR.

"They (PAS supporters) must understand that the action by PAS in tabling the Syariah Criminal Code II 1993 (Amendment 2015) was against the spirit of the coalition and had offended DAP, PKR and our supporters," he said.

In the meantime, Ng also claimed that Umno was the real mastermind behind the implementation of hudud laws by PAS and he urged the rakyat to stop Umno members in Parliament from implementing hudud in Malaysia.

Yesterday Jelutong MP, Jeff Ooi Chuan Aun urged all Opposition members to suspend any form of cooperation with PAS for the time being as a sign of protest against the party for tabling the hudud bill in Kelantan.

Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yakob had on Wednesday tabled the Syariah Criminal Code II 1993 (Amendment 2015) to enforce hudud law in Kelantan after it was postponed for more than 20 years.

The amendments tabled and debated in the Kelantan Legislative Assembly yesterday, was passed on the same day.

The amendments touching on syariah criminal offences, hudud, qisas and takzir applied only to adult and normal Muslims who have committed a crime in Kelantan.