Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi urged voters in the Tamin constituency in Sarawak to support Christopher Gira, the Barisan Nasional candidate for the seat, in the state election this Saturday.

He said this was to ensure continued development in the constituency. He had the same message for voters in the Meradong, Repok and Semop constituencies, that is to mark the "dacing" (balanced scales) symbol (on the ballot slip) to vote in BN candidates.

Ahmad Zahid, who was doing a campaign walkabout for BN at the Selangau market here today, reminded the people that there was no point in voting in non-BN candidates on Saturday as they were in capable of bringing development and were "only good at talking".

According to him, support for Christopher was a strong signal for BN to continue administering the state under the leadership of Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem.

"Supporting Tok Nan (Adenan) is supporting Christopher Gira. Supporting Christopher Gira is supporting Tok Nan," he said.

The Deputy Prime Minister also promised that he would help Christopher get the development needed by the people in Tamin.

Christopher before this had asked that the government consider, among others, the building of a government complex, civil servants quarters, a fire station and a secondary school.

Tamin, which has 14,948 registered voters, is seeing a three-cornered fight with PKR fielding a candidate and the other an independent.

In his meeting with the people of Meradong, Ahmad Zahid said big things were in store for the cluster of the Meradong, Repok and Semop constituencies if BN won the three seats.

"I promise I will come back here if all three (BN) candidates win. So far, if I make a promise, I will fulfill it," he added.

The BN candidates are Ding Kuong Hiing (Meradong), Datuk Seri Huang Tiong Sii (Repok) and Abdullah Saidol (Semop).