KUALA LUMPUR:Do not disrupt the current Cabinet’s momentum with political problems.

That is the firm stance of the Deputy President of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu), Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu on the issue of the appointment of a Deputy Prime Minister (DPM).

According to him, any change that occurs will only affect the momentum of existing Cabinet members.

"I see today's government is increasingly accepted by the people, Cabinet members have functioned very well and this momentum should continue.

"If we make changes, it will disrupt the momentum. Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has spoken frankly that if not for the COVID-19 pandemic, he will hold a General Election (GE).

"However, we have constraints with the pandemic that we have to postpone (GE). If the general election is approaching, I think, let us not disrupt the momentum of support for such a good government now," he told Astro AWANI on Monday.

Commenting further, Ahmad Faizal said Muhyiddin should be given full freedom in determining the individual who will occupy the DPM seat.

In fact, he believes the Prime Minister has also held talks with party leaders in Perikatan Nasional (PN) on the issue.

"This is not a new thing we are hearing. I think all parties, including from other parties as well, if possible want to occupy more or better seats.

"However, in this matter, I think the Prime Minister has scrutinised every matter in making a decision.

"So, I think all parties who have such ambitions or desires (for the post of DPM) to give freedom to Muhyiddin to make a decision in the interest of all," he said.

UMNO vice-president Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob in an exclusive interview with Mingguan Malaysia on Sunday was reported to have said that the issue of the post of DPM to be filled by UMNO leaders would be raised again as soon as the 2021 Budget being debated in the Dewan Rakyat is completed.

Ismail Sabri said currently no UMNO leader is given the highest position in the Cabinet, except for one of the four senior ministerial positions he holds, even though UMNO has the largest number of seats in the PN government.

However, UMNO President Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has asked UMNO leaders and members not to urge Muhyiddin to re-create the post of DPM by giving the quota to the party.

The Member of Parliament for Bagan Datuk said the power of appointing a DPM, ministers and deputy ministers rests entirely at the discretion of the Prime Minister.