UMNO Penang said it only faces issues with the leadership of the State chief minister -- which can be described as hypocrite, arrogant and snobbish –without compromising or injecting elements of hate towards any race in the country.

State UMNO Liaison Committee deputy chairman, Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican said that although the issue with Guan Eng cannot be concealed and denied, it does not mean the party is facing issues with its non-Malays and non-Bumiputeras counterparts.

"That was just a superficial interpretation of a Chief Minister seeking ‘instant political capital’,” he said in a statement here, today.

Reezal was reviewing the explanation made by Permatang Pauh UMNO division chairman, Datuk Mohd Zaidi Mohd Said after a speech he presented at the 68th UMNO General Assembly held which ended at Putra World Trade Centre on Sunday.

Mohd Zaid, who spoke under the capacity as a Penang delegate, was attacked since Friday after stating that the strengths of the Chinese stem from illegal businesses like gambling, prostitution and entertainment centres.

The speech angered some DAP Penang leaders including Air Itam Assemblyman Wong Hon Wai, Bukit Bendera MP Zairil Khir Johari and Bagan Dalam Assemblyman A Tanasekharan who lodged a police report on that day at a police station in the state.

Reezal said, sincere and honest explanation should be accepted before other parties continue to negatively manipulate the speech made by the UMNO Penang delegate.

“Zaidi explained in specifics through a press statement… The word kadang-kadang (sometimes) indicates only a certain quarters (of Chinese in Penang) are like that. I clearly uttered that in my speech. I did not say all Chinese in Penang, I just said ‘sometimes there are some Chinese in Penang who engage in those activities”.

“The sentence ‘sometimes there are some Chinese in Penang’ has a context of time and situation. It’s not a reckless statement,” he said.

Reezal also said that Mohd Zaidi’s speech should be viewed as a whole and not isolate the aspect of 'illegal trading'.

“As an experienced leader at the grassroots level, I do not think Zaidi will take that road and make political statements on hating other races.

"I expect the press release issued by Zaidi will put an end to all speculations and misinterpretations. There are times when the “original intention” was misinterpreted yet but it does not extinguish the economic and political ‘reality’ and the pressures faced by the people in Penang at this time," he explained.

A portal reported that Mohd Zaidi, at a press conference blamed the media for labeling him racist by stating that all Chinese in Malaysia became wealthy and influential through illegal activities.