Various issues pertaining to the devolution of powers concept from federal to state government is a complex matter which takes time before it can bear results.

Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem said he did not expect the matter to be resolved in a short period of time.

Nevertheless, with the goodwill and sincerity of the two governments, the process would proceed step by step, he said.

He said among matters which needed to be addressed included funding, because in some instances, when powers were taken over, financial backing was imperative.

Speaking to reporters after launching Datuk Lily Yong Lee Lee's autobiography entitled 'Anak Kampung' at a hotel here today, Adenan said there were however, quite a number of matters which were easily addressed.

He cited instances of federal government approval to ensure 90 per cent of teachers in Sarawak were locals, and its consent to increase the number of immigration officer in the state.

The chief minister also highlighted issues related to the approval of the federal government to consult the state government, prior to issuing any licence to deep sea fishing operators in Sarawak.

Last Saturday, when opening the Sibu Division Sejiwa Senada 2016 Programme in Sibu, Adenan was reported saying he would meet Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on Wednesday to discuss matters regarding the devolution of powers to the Sarawak Government.

Najib, during his visit here in June last year said he was in talks with Adenan on how devolution of power could be implemented in Sarawak as it was time for certain powers to be transferred to the state government departments.