Two suspected criminals were killed in a shootout with the police at Kundang, Rawang early this morning.

Police records show one of the suspects had several criminal records while the other is on police wanted list.

Selangor police Criminal Investigation Department chief Datuk Mohd Adnan Abdullah said the incident took place at 3am, today.

He said police on patrol spotted the suspects in a car, behaving suspiciously and had then tailed them for about two kilometres.

The men, aged 40 and 41 had tried to escape after realising the police car following them.

But, the driver who lost control of his car had rammed into a road divider. The men then got out of the car and gun shots were exchanged between them and the police.

“Investigation revealed that the two Indian men, one from Kepong and the other from Sungai Buloh,” he said at a press conference today.

He said one of the men had a record of four previous criminal cases and was wanted by the police to assist in an investigation.

“The other man had no previous criminal record," he added.

Police also found two pistols, two knives, a steel rod, a glove and a set of car registration plates inside the car driven by the suspects.

The Proton Waja used by the suspects was also reported stolen in Sungai Jarom, two years ago.

Police said investigations revealed that the two men were on their way to commit robbery.

The case is being investigated under Section 307 of the Penal Code for attempted murder.