Many Twitter users today vent out their shock and disgust online over UMNO's legal adviser Datuk Mohd Hafarizam Harun's statement that PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail may not be a suitable candidate for the Selangor MB post because she suffers from "uzur syarie" (menses).

Many of the them said the statement is embarrassing and does not make any sense.

Here are some of the comments in Twitter:

Mohd Hafarizam told the New Straits Times that Dr Wan Azizah’s menstrual cycle will prevent the Kajang member of Parliament from becoming the MB because she would not be able to attend religious events during 'that time of the month'.

In the report today, the lawyer said the post has always been held by a male for that reason although there is no specific clause in state laws that bans a woman from becoming a menteri besar.

"This is because should a woman menteri besar suffer from 'uzur syarie' (period), there will be many obstacles for her to accompany the Sultan at religious functions," the constitutional expert was quoted in the article.

However, Article 51 (2) of the Selangor State Constitution 1959 only stipulated criteria that no person should be appointed as menteri besar "unless he is of the Malay race and professes the Muslim Religion".