Two enforcement assistants and an assistant officer of the Beaufort branch of the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry (KPDNKK) were detained by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) for allegedly receiving a bribe of RM600.

Sabah MACC director Datuk Sazali Salbi said the three staff, aged between 35 and 38, were arrested between 12.25pm and 12.40pm at the Beaufort KPDNKK office following a complaint received from a trader on July 19.

Based on the complaint, the suspects allegedly conducted a check on the price tags in the complainant's shop and requested RM600 as an inducement to refrain from issuing him a compound for price tag offences.

MACC would bring the suspects to court on Friday for a remand order, Sazali said.