Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan today called on teachers to play their roles in luring the young generation to join or participate in activities, clubs or associations related to ethnic group or culture in Sabah.

He said this was important to ensure that the identity of the ethnic group and the cultural heritage of Sabah would be preserved, besides preventing the young people from venturing into unhealthy social activities.

"By participating actively in clubs or associations relating to ethnic groups or culture, they can help uphold the status of the ethnic group and religion in the state.

"The Kadazan Dusun tribe, for example, has many interesting cultures, such as in terms of their legends, language, costumes and dance," he said at the closing of Sabah Hiis Competition 2017 here tonight.

Hiis is a traditional poetry performed in group to create harmony.

The deputy chief minister''s speech text was read by Kadazan Dusun Cultural Association deputy president Datuk Dr Clarence Bongkus Malakun.