People with disabilities (OKU) and single mothers will receive a RM300 one-off aid to ease the burden of the COVID-19 impact.

The financial aid will be disbursed by Aidiladha in August.

Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said, the government was always concerned about the welfare of the target group including such group.

"More than 300,000 people with disabilities and single mothers on the Social Welfare Department's (JKM) record are eligible for a RM300 one-off aid to reduce their burden.

"Insya-Allah this payment will be disbursed before Hari Raya Aidiladha," he said in his special address on the Special Short-term Economic Recovery Plan (ERP) here on Friday.

Muhyiddin said, the government would also provide grants to related non-governmental organizations (NGOs).