Malaysia's security forces are there to protect the country at all times, assures Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

"Malaysians can be well assured that our security forces are there to protect us all before we go to sleep, while asleep and when we wake up in the morning," he said in a statement here today.

He said this in light of the unprecedented terrorist attacks in Indonesia, Burkina Faso, Turkey and some other countries.

In the meantime, Ahmad Zahid, who is also Home Minister, urged the people to refrain from making any speculation that could not only cause confusion but also misconception regarding the country's affairs.

"Whilst each and every Malaysian must keep alert to any possible threat, they should also let the security forces execute their task without askance and prejudice.

"We should be grateful that we feel safe and secure walking in the streets of cities, anywhere in the country, thanks to the dedication and loyalty of our security forces," he said.

Ahmad Zahid called on Malaysians, irrespective of their ideologies to rally behind the government's efforts in stamping out terrorism threats that could wreck national peace and harmony.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has vowed to fight terrorism tooth and nail while Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein too, has promised full cooperation from the armed forces.

Ahmad Zahid said: "This is our new war. A war against terrorism that demands the rakyat to rally behind us, not for politics, but for national interests and sovereignty."