Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is pleased to see that the RM200 smartphone rebate promised in the 2013 Budget is a hit.

Najib in his latest tweet Thursday said the move would encourage Malaysians to communicate more.

"Pleased to see RM200 smartphone rebate promised in 2013 Budget is a hit. It means we can all be more connected," he said.

The prime minister also asked his twitter followers on the smartphone models that they would choose.

Such tweet was retweeted more than 500 times in about 10 minutes with some twitter users responding and telling the prime minister their dream smartphones.

Yesterday the Cabinet had agreed not to set a price limit on the smartphones which could be purchased by youths aged between 21 and 30 and earning less than RM3000 to be eligible for the RM200 government rebate.

The rebate is implemented under the Youth Communication Package, following the announcement by the prime minister when tabling the 2013 Budget last September.