Petrol station operators must not arbitrarily make sale offers at their premises which can trigger a price war, following the weekly announcement of ceiling prices from March 29.

Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (KPDNKK) Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainuddin stressed petrol station operators wishing to make any offer must seek the permission of the ministry first.

"We don't want the offers to have elements of surprise which can make consumers feel cheated.

"For example, they offer a cheap price but when consumers turn up they say the offer is for the first five customers..this will make the public angry," he said.

He said this to reporters after handing over aid to 502 flood victims in the Larut Parliamentary constituency here today.

Hamzah said KPDNKK had no problem if any petrol station operator wanted to make offers including selling fuel at cheaper rates but it must follow the Standard Operating Procedure.

Starting from March 29, the ceiling price of fuel would be announced every Wednesday and the price would come into effect after 12 midnight.