JOHOR BAHRU: There have been no problems so far regarding the provision of assistance to flood victims in Johor, said Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Hasni Mohammad.

However, he explained that if there was a delay in providing assistance, it only involved isolated cases.

"I have emphasised that the flood issue is not the first time in Johor.. .there is nothing that is preventing or making it difficult for the supply of aid to reach the flood victims.

"I do not deny that there may be some miscommunication (such as) it was said that the number displaced are only 10 families but 15 families came to the relief centre (PPS), so maybe the tents arrived late, that sort of thing.

"So I do not feel that there are any problems that have arisen as raised by some parties," he told a media conference after officiating the 2020 Johor Entrepreneurship Awards here today.

Hasni said this when asked to comment on the claims by Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman that the standard operating procedure (SOP) was causing hardship to the needy and impeded assistance from speedily reaching flood victims in PPS.

The allegation was unequivocally stated by the former Minister of Youth and Sports through a post on his official Facebook after a family in Muar claimed that aid did not reach them.

Meanwhile, asked further about the estimated flood loss in Johor so far, Hasni, who is Benut state assemblyman, explained that the amount could only be assessed after the state had fully recovered from the floods and all PPS were closed.

He said the total loss would be assessed in the form of property including damage to farms, plantations and the like.