National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd (NFCorp) Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail told the High Court here on Wednesday that the withdrawal of RM81 million from the company's special account met the stipulated terms and conditions.

He said the money was transferred from NFCorp to a subsidiary company, National Meat & Livestock Sdn Bhd, in 2009.

The withdrawal was in compliance with the Notice of Loan Withdrawal and NFCorp had produced all documents pertaining to the withdrawal of the money to the Finance Ministry, he added.

Mohamad Salleh said this when cross-examined by lawyer Razlan Hadri Zulkifli in the hearing of his suit against Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) vice-president and secretary-general Mohd Rafizi Ramli and news portal Malaysiakini over the purchase property at KL Eco City, Bangsar.

In the suit filed on June 3, 2013, Mohamad Salleh and NFCorp, claimed that on March 7, 2012, Mohd Rafizi had made a defamatory statement at a media conference at the PKR Office on the purchase of KL Eco City properties and was published by Malaysiakini on the same day.

He said the suit was filed because of losses incurred due to the lies, misleading information, disclosure of confidential banking information and slander made by the defendants.

Mohamad Salleh is seeking general, exemplary and aggravated damages, as well as interests, costs and other relief deemed fit by the court.

He is also seeking an injunction to prevent the defendants from continuing to mislead and deceive the public on the issue.

Questioned by Razlan Hadri, who is Mohd Rafizi's lawyer, on the purchase of the property in Bangsar, Mohamad Salleh denied using money from the loan to purchase property for his personal use or by his family.

He also refuted a suggestion by Razlan Hadri that NFCorp failed to meet its target of producing 8,000 cows at the National Feedlot Centre in Gemas, Negeri Sembilan, as stated in the company's Audit Report issued in 2010.

Mohamad Salleh said the report was exploited by the opposition.

The hearing before judicial commissioner Azizul Azmi Adnan continues today.