KUALA LUMPUR:The government has identified five sectors that are allowed to operate and are categorized as essential economic sectors during the Movement Control Order (MCO) 2.0 which will start this Wednesday.

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the sector involves the fields of:
  1. factories and manufacturing
  2. construction,
  3. services,
  4. trades and distribution, as well as
  5. plantation and commodities.
"These sectors are allowed to operate because of their role in supporting the work to supply basic necessities such as food, beverages and household items as well as personal care; personal protective equipment (PPE).

"Besides that, the sector for medical equipment and medicine for health workers; international trade activities; ensuring the supply chain is not disconnected and supporting critical infrastructure and emergency work are also allowed to operate," he said when delivering the Prime Minister's Special Address on the Implementation of MCO here on Monday.

In the meantime, Muhyiddin said, only 30 per cent of employees in the management group are allowed to be in the office while for employees in the support group, the number of employees required at a certain time will be determined by their respective employers.

"I would like to remind you that the specified number of employees must take into account the strict adherence to the standard operating procedures (SOP) set.

"Always practice physical distancing while at work. Any employer who violates the SOP and causes the spread of COVID-19 infection in the workplace, strict action will be taken under the law, which includes closing down the premises," he said.

Lima sektor ekonomi (essential economic) perlu dibenarkan beroperasi

Commenting further, he said, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) will provide details on the types of services listed as an essential economic sector.

He said MITI and the Ministry of Works will also provide details on the construction work that is allowed to operate.

"For sectors or services that are not listed as essential services, work from home order will take into effect.

"All employers must comply with these instructions to reduce movement in the community, especially in highly populated areas.

"Only with this measure, we can reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection in the workplace," he explained.