Tragedy-hit Malaysia Airlines (MAS) has thanked all Malaysians for the enduring opportunity to be of service and seek their understanding for the times the carrier has fallen short of expectations.

MAS said carrying the Malaysian flag to many destinations was an honour and a responsibility that the airline proudly embraced with care.

"Our duty is to serve. And with your blessings, we will do our utmost to continue to do so," said MAS in a full-page Hari Raya Aidilfitri greeting carried by several major newspapers on Monday.

The Malaysian carrier, which operates out of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang, has been hogging the limelight due to the downing of Flight MH17 with 298 passengers and crew in Donetsk on July 17.

It was believed to have been shot down in a troubled region in eastern Ukraine which borders Russia.

It came on the heels of the mysterious disappearance of MH370 with 239 people aboard on March 8. That flight was believed to have ended in the southern Indian Ocean, the search for which has so far been unsuccessful.

MAS noted that for over 40 years, the Malaysian 'kite', the symbol used in the Malaysia Airlines livery, had been flown around the world representing the pride and hopes of the nation.

And the airline known for its sterling cabin service - having won numerous accolades for it over the years - had this to say about its staff.

"Built through hard work, loyalty and commitment, Malaysia Airlines would not be what we are today without the generations of employees who have woken up each morning to serve with professionalism and determination," it said.

In addition, MAS expressed appreciation to Malaysians who chose the airline for travel.

"We would not be the airline we are today without the support of millions of Malaysians who fly with us at home and internationally," it said.