The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has given the Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng 48 hours to apologise publicly and unconditionally to the commission or for his defamatory statement.

In a statement today, the MACC said Lim's statement describing the detention of Penang executive councillor Phee Boon Poh by the commission as 'illegal detention' was defamatory to the commission.

After scrutising the audio and video of Lim's meeting with the media in Komtar, Penang, yesterday, the MACC found that the chief minister had clearly used the words "illegal detention by MACC" when answering a question relating to the issue of illegal factory operating in Sungai Lembu.

"The MACC views seriously the words 'illegal detention by MACC' and deems it as an ill-intent statement aimed at defaming the MACC, tarnishing its good name and reputation.

"As such, Guan Eng is urged to apologise publicly and unconditionally to the MACC within the next 48 hours or legal action will be taken against him," the statement said.

The MACC also said that it had filed an appeal against the Penang High Court's decision to cancel the remand order for Phee.

"Since the appeal has yet to be finalised, any statement from any quarters regarding the detention is sub-judice and can be deemed as a contempt of court," the statement said.