KUALA KANGSAR: The water supply problems at the Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital (HRPZII) and surrounding areas are expected to end next month with the completion of a new water treatment plant (LRA) in Kampung Telok, Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

Environment and Water Minister Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said the LRA has the capacity to process 30 million litres of water per day.

"We hope when the plant is completed in April, it will be able to accommodate water supply needs in Kota Bharu including at the HRPZII.

"The National Water Service Commission (SPAN) has issued a statement yesterday which outlines our short- and long-term plans. SPAN has also built an additional water tank for the maternity and children's wards which was completed on March 20. The other connections from the tank and main pipes are being carried out."

He was speaking at a news conference after opening the Living River Bike Trail from Chenderoh to Victoria Bridge yesterday.

Meanwhile, Tuan Ibrahim said the ministry was confident that the Sungai Perak Integrated River Basin Development (PLSB) Phase One project which cost RM250 million and approved under the 11th Malaysia Plan could save it from being a garbage dump.

He said Sungai Perak was currently categorised as first-class and efforts to beautify and conserve the surrounding areas must be carried out immediately to prevent any pollution.

On the Living River Bike Trail, he said the 25 km project developed by the Irrigation and Drainage Department was to encourage the local community's participation in conserving the Sungai Perak.