President Joko Widodo of Indonesia has picked Malaysia as the first country of his state visit abroad.

Joko, better known as Jokowi, will be in Malaysia for two days from Feb 5, Malaysian Ambassador to Indonesia Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim said today.

He said the Indonesian president was scheduled to hold bilateral talks with Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

"President Jokowi is also scheduled to visit the Proton (car manufacturing) plant. Datuk Seri Najib had raised the proposal for an Asean car project in his meeting with Jokowi at the latter's swearing-in as the president at the end of last year," he told reporters here.

On another matter, Zahrain advised Malaysian fishermen not to trespass into Indonesian waters, saying Indonesia was more serious in law enforcement now.

He said the Indonesian authorities were empowered by law to sink trespassing foreign fishing vessels, which indicated the seriousness of the country in enforcing the law.

"It is the same as in Malaysia. We also act against foreign boats that trespass into our waters," he said.

Zahrain said the media should not sensationalise the action against trespassing fishing boats and fishermen because it was something routine under the law.

He urged the Indonesian authorities to notify the embassy prior to such action.

Three days ago, the Indonesian police sank a Malaysian fishing vessel for alleged poaching in the waters of Pandan Islet in northern Sumatra.