KULAI: The cooperation discussion between Pakatan Harapan (PH) and Parti Ikatan Demokratik Malaysia (MUDA) including on the distribution of seats in facing the Johor state election has not been finalised yet.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said PH would also hold similar discussions with other political parties soon to avoid a collision course after completing the discussion with MUDA which at this time was more realistic.

"So we hope that if we succeed in this, we can form a front or stage to not only win seats but to also form a government. This is what the people want...we can bring about change," he told reporters after the official opening of the Johor Bahru DAP headquarters, here, today.

Lim, who is also the Member of Parliament for Bagan, was asked on the outcome of the discussion between PH and MUDA, especially on the distribution of seats.

Last Saturday, PH chairman and PKR president, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim reportedly said that the discussion on cooperation with MUDA was now with the PH state leaders and MUDA had not revealed the number of seats it wanted to contest.

Asked about Parti Warisan, Lim said all parties had the right to contest in the Johor state election and if there was cooperation between PH and that party, it would literally be made earlier.

Warisan vice-president, Datuk Junz Wong had reportedly said that Warisan was prepared to be a game changer if it decided to contest in the Johor state election.

On a portal's reported claim made by Bersatu information chief, Wan Saiful Wan Jan that among PH's main policies when governing the country previously was reducing the allocations without considerimg the people's needs, Lim said the report was not true.