IPOH: Perak is considering to declare polling eve on Nov 18 as a state public holiday, said Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad.

He said an announcement was expected to be made on Monday.

"We are considering the matter, but are not sure who has the locus standi to announce it.

"This is unlike Selangor where the Menteri Besar can do it because the Selangor State Assembly has not been dissolved. In Perak can the caretaker (Menteri Besar) announce it? The desire to declare (a holiday) is there," he said at a media conference after a solidarity gathering of the Perak Barisan Nasional here today.

Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Penang have declared a state public holiday on Nov 18.

Malaysians will go to the polls on Nov 19 for the 15th general election, but only three states - Perak, Pahang and Perlis - are holding their state elections simultaneously with the national polls.