A new independent Parliamentary body should be formed to take over the Election Commission’s (EC) role over the redrawing of electoral boundaries due this year.

This was the call by PKR today in response to the announcement by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak that a special bipartisan parliamentary committee will oversee the role and functions of the EC.

“This independent body will take on EC’s role to make recommendations in relation to the delimitation exercise. This is so that there is no conflict of interest or abuse of power and to make sure the duty and role of the EC is more effective in the managing of elections,” said PKR deputy president Azmin Ali in a statement.

Azmin said that this independent body was important so that certain fundamental criteria for re-drawing of electoral boundaries are followed.

“This includes taking into account electoral quota and the 5% rule, geographical size, special geographical consideration, local government boundaries, boundaries of existing constituencies and local ties,” he said.

He said that these criteria are important to ensure that there is a fair democratic representation of the people in parliament.

In relation to Najib’s announcement, Azmin said that the move was proof that the government admits to the existence of cheating and weaknesses in the electoral process in Malaysia.

However, Azmin said that PKR still calls for the chairman and deputy chair of the EC to resign to restore the credibility and reputation of the electoral managing body.

“Article 113 and 114 of the Federal Constitutional clearly says that the EC is not an agency or government department and cannot be used as a tool for any political body,” he said.

“That is why PKR, alongside NGOs such as Bersih, urges that the control of the EC cannot be under the Prime Minister’s Department.”

Meanwhile, DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang had commented yesterday that it would have been better if Najib had consulted with Pakatan Rakyat MPs over the move.

While Lim said that more details is needed, he however, lauded the move as “a step in the right direction.”

In a Harakah report, Pas vice-president Salahuddin Ayub expressed scepticism over the move, saying that there were many recommendations by the Parliamentary Select Committee on electoral reform that were not fulfilled.

He said that a Royal Commission of Inquiry should also be formed to investigate claims of fraud during the 13th General Election.