KUALA LUMPUR: A new financial aid programme for students of higher learning institutions (IPT) known as KPT IHSAN and an increase in the allowance rate of the Financial Support for the Disabled (BKOKU) are expected to take effect next year.

Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Dr Noraini Ahmad said the initiatives were in line with the ministry's commitment to creating a conducive learning ecosystem, and would be implemented if approved by the Finance Ministry.

She said KPT IHSAN is a one-off financial aid programme for IPT students to purchase devices, pay examination and research fees as well as settle their outstanding tuition fees.

"MOHE, on Aug 26, had agreed to increase the allowance rate for students with disabilities, from RM300 to RM500 per month.

"It has also increased the maximum assistance rate by 100 per cent, namely from RM5,000 or RM20,000 per year to RM10,000 or RM40,000 per year throughout the study period, covering tuition fees and allowance," she said when winding up the Supply Bill 2022 debate for her ministry at the policy level at the Dewan Rakyat today.

Elaborating further, Noraini said to facilitate the BKOKU application process, it would be given directly to the OKU students at IPTs without them having to apply.The Dewan Rakyat sitting continues tomorrow.